Dear Friends,
Summer's heat is slowly leaving and the leaves are starting to change with early morning frost. I brought my hanging plants inside and so far they are liking the 70 degree temperatures better than the 30's outside. Here's a picture of their winter home:I had always avoided having house plants due to allergies but there's growing things all summer when I'm outside and I survive so I can handle 3 plants wintering with me inside. It will be good to have something living when all things green slowly die away under the winter snow and cold temperatures. My allergies are doing much better - hopefully after 14 years of allergy shots.
I'm covering the outside window box flowers with sheets until its freezing during daylight or they start turning brown. I'm going to get some artificial pine branches, after the annual flowers die, to put in the soil so there's green out on the terrace over the winter months too.
I've found being around growing things to be inspirational to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Just as the plants need water, food and sunlight so do I. I see the rewards in how the plants grow big, strong, and beautiful which helps me keep working on giving my body what it needs. Seeing how small plants grow into big beautiful flowering plants also reminds me God is at work all around me. Every day I see how life continues to find a way to thrive even in the cracks of the sidewalks.
I'm also discovering the best use of my time to get the outcomes I need to have a healthy body. Daily walks, some slow stretching of the arms and legs yields result without putting much more than 45 minutes a day. A good investment in having mobility as I age. The body functions better with well formed muscles.
I'm also learning how to listen to others. It's very important to listen first. I've found I can do this better by reviewing all conversations in an objective manner. It helps to keep all comments you receive in a place where you can take out later when you're calm and decide that this applies to me personally, professionally or not something about me at all but more to do with how the other person chose to handle a situation.
Stepping back and letting go helps to maintain perspective. Some questions will have ready answers but some take longer to formulate or research so it's ok not to have a reply immediately.
When others are unresponsive or sometimes even insulting with their replies, I can step back and consider before I react. There are times when all of us need grace. Forgiving rash statements helps me to be easier on myself. Perfection in communication isn't possible for anyone and when you apply this to yourself its damaging. I've learned to do the best I can, learn from mistakes and keep on trying.
Keep on seeing the possibilities. There's so much to learn and see in every moment of life. Take the time to enjoy and make the most out of each and everyone.
Your friend,
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