Friday, May 30, 2014

Twin Cities Heart Walk in the Morning.

 Setting a goal of 30 minutes of movement a day will change your life - try it:)

I'll be putting in lots of info. on my Healthy Lifestyle Journal tomorrow.  Thursday and today has helped me find some answers.  I'll be sharing more, but need to get ready for bed now - Heart walk comes early tomorrow.  Will be posting photos on Instagram.  More to follow.

Good night all and remember you're Awesome just the way you are - never doubt it.

Melissa Blanchard

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How Books and Bookstores Have Changed My Life
This book changed my life - I had tried so many diets even working with a Health Fitness place but this guide will bring home how the body works and what you need to do to get your weight under control and so much more. Take the time to read it (and it’s a quick read if all you want to do is get started on the lifestyle that will set you free).
I'm also thankful for Preferred One insurance and Fairview Health Service and Can Do New Thinking, Better Choices program - its helped me find the keys to long term solutions from food, to finances, to interpersonal relationships and finding peace within yourself.
I'm thankful that I found this book at Turn The Page Bookstore Cafe at the July 13th 2013 book signing with Nora Roberts I've lost 60 pounds since then and continue to lose until my muscle, bone and fat ratio is within norms. This is an achievable goal, this is my life and my journey and I control what food I eat, how much I move, and listening to what my body is telling me. See information about my journey to date and my continuing journal at my blogs:
Your spirit and soul are ready to be heard - tune in and listen. Keep on believing in the possibilities of what YOU CAN DO:)
On this blog click on the Weight link on the left to read about the beginning of my journey.  I'm keeping my ongoing journey in Journal form on
I have to share and celebrate how books change my life and bookstores with heart carry just the books you need.  So glad I traveled to Boonsboro last July, hope all that are able attend this year as well.  Find out more about the 2014 book signing and brunch with Nora on her blog at this link:
Comments are welcome.
Melissa Blanchard

Monday, May 26, 2014

CanDo Healthy Lifestyle - Journal for my Journey to Wellness 5/26/2014

This is my second installment of my journey to wellness.  This weekend has been full of remembrances that bring laughter and tears.  Some of the memories are painful but once expressed I feel as if I have a weight lifted.

Here are some of the tools that have been helping me express myself more.

1.  Video logs.  As I do my 30 minutes of exercise a day, I've been recording short videos which have helped me really see myself.  I find that I am able to communicate and I'm easy to look at so I've lost some of my self-consciousness around others.
2.  Audio logs.  These help and are free apps you can get on iphone and ipad to record yourself speaking or anything going on around you.  I've used it to get quotes from TV shows I'd like to share and for recording quotes from audiobooks so I can pause easier and get the exact wording.  The most important way I've used it is when I can't type or look at the computer anymore but still have more I need to express.  This tool has also shown me how off topic I get when I talk sometimes.  Good place to clean up my communication style.
3.  Reading this blog: I recently discovered that it's ok to have a mentor you don't know personally.  I find myself in sync with Nora Roberts lately.  What she recently posted (find on above link) was exactly what I needed to read for this weekend.  She challenges me whether it be via web conferences at book signings, brunches or her blog posts, she inspires me to have the courage to explore what my true purpose in life is, not only discover it but be the best I can be.  Find a mentor that interests and challenges you.
4.  Connecting with positive people on social media.  Embracing the positive posts and find positive things to share back.  This has taught me more about myself than my 51 years before combined.  Thanks to all who support me with kind words, wisdom and sharing your journey with me.
5.  Listen to the Doctor, read the notes they give you, look up the words you don't understand on the internet, and ask questions.  Don't assume, it could be deadly.
6.  Assert yourself.  You are important make sure you learn what you need to know to be the best at what you do.  Believe in yourself.
8.  The past is a rug that is rolled up, you can't change it or relive it.  The future has yet to be unrolled so we can't shape it or learn from it.  We can only stand on the rug in the present.  Its fully revealed, we can choose to dance on it, sit on it or lay on it.  Its our choice and the only time is now that we have any say of what we are able to do on or with the rug.  I hope you choose to dance.  Keep learning and striving in every moment you're given it won't be back to give you another shot at the prize.
Here's some pictures from my weekend.  I hope you find them as full of joy and promise as I did when I was in the moment.

 The flowers are a decoration for all the graves to far away for me to visit in person so I'll keep them on my deck as I keep the spirits of my loved ones in my heart as memories I'll never forget.  Grandma Effie (the seamstress), Grandpa Dean (the Chef), Grandpa Collins (National Oats foreman), Grandma Bert (nurses aid and home care aid), Mom (Casino bus coordinator), 3rd Cousin fought and died in Vietnam - Great Uncle Marshall's son, Grandma couldn't speak of him so don't know his name but he was a pilot that was shot down and killed in action.  Great Great Uncle Harvey, fought and took care of the horses in WWI.  He also painted train bridges across great expanses, many times hanging suspended to get the job done.  Great Grandpa George Holt (carpenter - built barns and much of the fine wood work in office buildings and autos), Great Grandma Blanchard (worked as a waitress).  These are the family I remember best.  Friends I wish I didn't have to remember, David Deal and Teddy Stark.  Both died at 27 but in different years.  David died in the 100 years flood in a small creek that left its banks and swept away his car.  He got free of the car but was unable to get to higher ground before he died.  Teddy died of pancreatic cancer that spread to his spine.  He exhausted all his treatment options in his fight.  Colleague Richard Huntley, Sterile Reprocessing Director and pioneer of scanning surgical instruments for electronic tracking.  He died of throat cancer.
I planted these flowers in their memories as testament to new life out of the darkness of loss.
I fly the Sentinel of Freedom as a tribute to all the troops that have died in the service of their country and to remind me to say a special prayer every time I put it out in the morning and take it in at night for the safe return of all the fighting men and women over there and those in harms way here as well.  Thanks to their family and spouses for their sacrifices too.
May all the grieving hearts find the will to keep on believing in the possibilities of hope that each new day brings.
Melissa Blanchard 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Can Do Healthy Lifestyle Journey, May 23rd 2014

     I'm writing this journal publicly in hopes of helping others find solutions to issues that creep up on us as we travel through life.
     First some background.  I'm 52 years old.  I was born in Waterloo Iowa in 1962.  I had asthma at birth manifesting in pneumonia.  I've taken different medications to control the symptoms as far back as I can remember.
     A little bit of information on my parents.  Both were 20 years older than I was.  Dad's birthday was in December and Mom's in May.  Mine was in April.  The joke was that Mom was older than Dad by the few months between May and December.  My Dad smoked the pipe and cigarettes while my Mom was pregnant with me.  He didn't when my brothers were born 6 and 8 years later so I feel that second hand smoke my Mom was exposed to contributed to my asthma issues.
     Both my Mom and Dad struggled with their weight.  As a family we went on several diets together.  Weight Watchers being the main one.  Dad could lose weight faster than Mom so that was a contention between them.
     Mom had a lot of health issues. When she was pregnant with me she lost most of her teeth.  I guess all the calcium she was able to get went to the baby.  She had dentures before she was 25 years old.  When she was a child her Grandma would find her in the coal bin eating coal so perhaps she had deficiencies even then.
     Dad had detached retina's in both eyes before he was 30.  He was one of the first that got bands to hold the retina's in place.  He wasn't able to get full sight back but close.  He also tended to get walking pneumonia quite a bit.
     For me, I've had weight issues since I was 13 when I weighed 90 pounds after a having severe issues with my asthma that went untreated.  My Mom wanted me to live back with her - by that time Dad and Mom where divorced.  So I went back to live with Mom and by the time I was 17 weighed 180 pounds.  I was 5' 2" now I'm 5' 1" have scoliosis in my back probably due to being on acid reflex blocker for 14 years.  Last April, 2013, I weighed 242 (in college I weighed 120 by halfway through my Freshman year).
     Since July 13th of 2013 I've been been following a lifestyle change I found in a book called, “It Starts with Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways,” by Melissa Hartwig and Dallas Hartwig.  For more on how I found this book and came to the realization I needed it - follow this link:  Recommend – “It Starts with Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways,” by Melissa Hartwig and Dallas Hartwig
     It's now May 23rd, 2014 and I've lost 56 pounds and weigh 186 pounds.  I lost 42 before I started walking - inspired by the #LetsMove or started by Mrs. Obama.  I set my goal to walk 30 minutes every day.  Slowly I added a bike on a trainer and an arm bike.  I use some simple yoga concepts to stretch before and after the exercise and I ice my hips and back due to issues I have with trunk bursitis.  I also got a sleep number bed back in 2011 to help with elevating pressure points on my hips when I sleep.
     In order to maintain the #LetsMove initiative and too meet my goal of putting myself out there I started 2 blogs and a video log of my exercise and thoughts while doing my 30 minute walk.  The videos helped me to see myself more clearly than any mirror.  When I talk I'm passionate about what I'm sharing.  I see the wonder in all of nature around me.  I feel connected to my surroundings and myself.  I see my potential.  Try doing a video of yourself with your smart phone, it certainly helped me to know how I'm really coming across.  It fixed my mumbling and helped me discover my smile.  Give it a try.
     My job had a health fair in April offering a program called Can Do Healthy Lifestyle follow the link for more info on Facebook:  CAN.DO.Health. Or on the web at this link:  I liked the wording "Can do" and wanted to be sure the plan I was working with was going to be sustainable for the long haul - like the rest of my life.
     The program is covered by insurance and looks beyond just weight to the why we eat and the whole lifestyle that contributes to weight gain and/or not living life to your full potential.
      A hand out the program gives as an introduction shows something I hadn't even realized was standing in my way.  The picture explains we all have a choice in all situations we can go down the Judging path or we can go down the Learning path.  Judging ourselves or others always leads to a down fall.  I found judging myself harshly was closing me down for the learning I could have been doing.  Now when I first feel myself beginning to close down I'm reminded to think what is it I should be learning right now?
     This concept of learning rather than judging has changed my life.  I now see so much more I can do on my journey than I ever could before.  I didn't even see how much of a rut I was in and how this impacted my quality of life and living every moment to the fullest.
     So now I have brought you up to speed on where I'm at today.  I just saw the Doctor for my yearly physical exam.  First time since 2010.   I think part of why I didn't go back was an unfriendly Doctor.  He pushed all my insecurity buttons and I found out from the Doctor I have now (looked her up on the internet and liked when she said she's listens and wants to work with her patients - try finding out about your Doctor before your visit) that he hadn't told me much about what was going on with my body.  He did nothing to explain tests or the need for them.  He didn't review my record very well either.  I had several indicators at the time and now I have those confirmed.
     The new Doctor is a good one, but has limited time to discuss.  Seems to be an issue for American health care.  So they are forced to focus on the matter at hand and treat issues that make themselves known.  She was able to fill me in on several issues that need to be addressed so I'm working through how best to follow-up.  So far, I'm in the learning phase so don't have a lot to share yet.  I'll be writing more as I figure out next steps.
      My current work is on finding alternate remedies to acid reflex until I lose the remaining 66 pounds I'm overweight.  Too much fat around the stomach tends to contribute to acid reflux disease.  I found this website to help me out:  So far I've been able to make going off the blocker medicine possible for a few days so far with limited fall out (I mostly cough when my acid reflux gets out of hand).
      This ends the first installment of my journal.  I hope you found some information that will help you as you travel on your journey through life.  I'll keep posting as new developments happen and time permits.


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Twin Citties Heart Walk - I'm Walking

Imagine the impact if we reduce death and disability from cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 20% by 2020!

I’m joining the American Heart Association's Heart Walk to promote physical activity to build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.

My Grandpa Dean died at 69 from an enlarged heart in 1979. The doctors said his heart simply exploded in his chest there was no way to save him.

I'm hopeful we can all make a difference as we raise awareness of Heart disease.
Please give generously so that Grandpa's and Grandma's will have more than 4 years to enjoy their retirement.

I'm also hopeful I'll be able to continue in my new Can Do Healthy Lifestyle. Eating right and exercise has helped me lose 64 pounds.

I'm glad to be able to walk and move more freely.

Join me at the walk and/or by giving generously to the cause. Find me at Twin Cities Heart Walk - Please give Generously - Melissa Blanchard's Page

I just gave at the site - its fast and easy and safe - proceeds go directly to the American Heart Association.

Thank you all
Melissa Blanchard
Minneapolis MN
Heart Walk supporter and walker.

Tricia Cornell finds inspiration at the farmers market from

Great Article from Tricia Cornell finds inspiration at the farmers market

Support locally grown produce.  You'll feel better and you'll be making an investment in your community.
Tricia Cornell has 2 books for how to use locally grown veggies featured in the article with links to find out how to buy.
 Take a few minutes to learn about most economical way to eat healthy.  I've lost 64 pounds so far with just eating organically grown veggies and grass fed meat and exercise of just 30 minutes a day.
Do something for you today, check out your local Farmer's Market and organic and/or frozen veggies until everything starts to grow in your area.