Sunday, December 28, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year All

Hi All,
I'm taking a few minutes to write during the Holiday weekend between Christmas and New Years.

I had a peaceful Christmas day in Minneapolis MN in my apartment enjoying some TV, the decorations I have up and a walk in the neighborhood.

I'll add the photos from my iPhone at the end.  I'm using my iPad to type in the text which doesn't have all my recent photos available to Safari to upload into blogger.  I'd rather have some extra work if I can eliminate some data charges which seems to be happening and I'm not sure exactly why.  Verizon has an app but it doesn't directly tell you how the charges come into being so experiementing on which ways I post pictures costs the least:)  So true that there's no free lunches.  So even though we now have a much cheaper way to create photos with iPhone we don't necessary have a cheap way to share the photos with others.  When I work it out I'll be sure to blog about it.

I've been keeping up with eatting as a fuel even through the Holiday.  I'm happy to do my 30 minutes of moving every day too.  For the most part I'm feeling well and working toward my goals of living more healthy and completing my work's end of year projects.

I've found some fulfilling experiences working with others to help out others not as fortunate in the community through work and where I live.  Sometimes you have to take care of business at home too so I've been working through those issues as well.

Vacation at home has been good too.  I really enjor getting pictures hung, cleaning and replacing light bulbs I can reach.  I'm glad I have an apartment maintenance staff to get the ones I can't reach.  Its good to have a place that has maintenance included - well worth the rent.

I was a little down about the lack of snow on Christmas Day but we did get some snow flakes that made up for the lack on the ground.  Now we have 3 inches or so with cooler temps which is what works best for me in the Winter for my allergies.

I'm about out of vacation now so will be working over New Years but it will be good to work from home over part of the time and a great chance to catch up with paperwork assignments.  I'm hoping to do more posting on my Blogs in 2015.  Blog writing is important to me and I enjoy supporting authors with book reviews so I'll be focusing more on that and less on socializing.  I can still do some but will be looking for opportunities on the weekend for card play or hobby/art expression.  My eyes get too tired after working all day to do justice to drawing and hobbies for sure:)

Life is about making the most out of the opportunities that work best for you.  Hold out for the experiences that fulfill you - its worth the effort to keep looking until you find the right fit and don't leave the good fits behind to find a new one - keep a balance.

Hope everyone in blog world had a very Merry Christmas and that the good will continues into the New Year celebrations.  Peace.


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