Saturday, August 30, 2014

Shared Journal August 30, 2014

Hi All,
Last couple of days we had rain during my walk times so I used my bike on a trainer in the apartment to get my 35 minutes in. I've found that keeping exercise simple and doable everyday is the best way to go. I'm tempted to do extra and sometimes I do, but not everyday and not as a goal.

The ground I've made so far to being healthy has been built on doing activities that are sustainable. No matter how many people in my life that want results faster will just have to wait. Best change in the body happen over time. This goes for healthy changes too so I'll keep going with my sustainable routine.

As far as my FB and Blog posts. I try to be sure to do a weekly check in and sometimes more all depends on how demanding life becomes both personally and professionally. I have to maintain work first (to pay bills) then my healthy regiment (exercise, food planning/preparation, bills, connecting with family and friends and vacation planning).

Social Media friends are a big part of my friend connecting and I'm working at being efficient at that part as well. I'm using flags on e-mail (iphone lets you see just flagged e-mail) and answering tweets that are addressed to me or RT and FAV of my tweets first - then supporting other tweets of friends and authors in my lists.

I'm working at remembering to check the sites others build that liked my posts I have on FB and my other blogs. Not something I'm always good at - sometimes I try to share and not all like that - but in all we need to remember if you chose to post on FB you control the privacy settings not those that share your posts so keep that in mind. A good rule my Grandma told me long before FB was invented is if you don't say it you can't be repeated correctly or incorrectly. So only share or post what you want all to have read and communicated - use another media to share things you don't want out there (I don't totally believe in FB's privacy being absolute so I use blogs and locked journals on my own PC or MAC for my private or things I want to control).

Hope you're enjoying your holiday weekend. I have found that plans don't always work out but in the end the alternative has it's own reward. Be open to the rewards that come your way - planned or unplanned.

Thanks for all the likes, shares and comments I enjoy meeting people on social media. I've made some special friends and connected with many. Keep on posting everyone:)

This rose I found in a parking lot - find all the beauty that's around you each day.  When you seek you will find.  Peace.

Friday, August 8, 2014

My Journey to a Healthy Lifestyle 8-8-14

Hi All,

Work and personal life in balance is the key to full happiness.  I've found that working toward loving myself deeply and completely has shown me how to do something about those things I can control.  The work end of my life is somewhat out of my control so is taking sometime to work through all that will be needed to make that portion of my life more fulfilling.

There are little things you can do like join in the charitable giving events and volunteering to give your time and talent to helping others in the community through work sponsored activities.  I've also recently rediscovered Toast Masters - a really good way to step out of the pressure of work and take a few moments to experience people you work with or those from your community in a new way.  These activities have enabled me to have some feeling of accomplishment and purpose within my job portion of my day. 

I've found I can accomplish quite a bit of positive action at home too.  I've started a weekly art class and a bi-weekly Cribbage tournament (informal) to round out my community participation at home as well.  Thinking of others and how to work with them has helped me find new skills I didn't know I had - like being able to read a book into a recorder on my iPhone in hopes of giving my friend a gift of something she's able to do - listen.

My friend had a cancer that was treatable but left her with weak bones to the point of needing help to leave her chair at home.  She also is losing her eyesight.  Books are a good way to keep the mind active when the body is having issues, so I thought of reading a book to her.  I'm hoping she likes the topic.  I was reading "The Power of Purpose" by Richard Leider so that's what I read to her.  I learned so much from the reading of that book.  When you read out loud - somehow you learn more than just reading in your head - try it. 

Human beings need to have a purpose.  A reason to get out of bed in the morning and get to bed at night.  Another key is finding nutritious people.  These are people that are happy to see you, full of life and love for all they encounter.  The more I look for these people, the more I find myself wanting to be a nutritious person for someone else. 

The "The Power of Purpose," also helped me to find the skills I was born with.  That's right we all have skills, its just a matter of finding them and looking for ways to express yourself with them.  I hope to one day be able to earn money while using my talents that are easy for me to express in a natural flow (that feeling you get when you're in the zone and time flies by as you work).  There are ways to get the most out of what you are getting paid for as well - it's all about finding the keys that are what you enjoy and able use them to get the job at hand done. 

There's so much to do and see in the world, be sure to make the most of every moment.  I'm learning to be as positive as I am able to be but stay true to my inner core values and self expression.  Fake happiness is worse than being sad.  So, I look for what truly makes me happy down deep in my heart, soul and spirit and find ways to express that at every opportunity.  Keep on believing in the possibilities in your life.  Dream, pray and love while doing what needs doing. 

Remember to do your planning thinking in the morning.  It's important to take some time to be alone with yourself and listen.  Quite time with only your inner voice will help you to find your true calling.

This answer doesn't come overnight, but just as it takes time to lose weight and build up your strength and muscle mass, your inner voice needs time to grow.  Like when you haven't talked to anyone for several days, when you first use your voice it isn't very strong, but as you talk more, the voice gains in strength and is more defined. 

Little by little this daily communing with your inner self will reveal pieces of the puzzle that is your purpose.  One day you'll see the picture fully revealed.  Don't give up on this inner journey anymore than you're outer journey to a healthier weight and muscle tone.  Both are keys to fully living a healthier lifestyle.

Your comments are welcome and I hope you're able to find some useful ideas as I share my trip to wellness.  May you know the peace that comes from finding your purpose for being.  Remember, its a life long journey so your purpose may change as time goes by never stop listening to your inner voice with quiet meditation.