Sunday, March 29, 2015

Unplugging - Journal Entry for March 29th, 2015 Sunday

Blue sky of Spring after the rain.
     Sometimes its good to turn off all of your devices (like computers and mobile phones and TV).  Just be unreachable for a few hours maybe even a whole day.
     I find taking the time to notice the blue of the sky and the white of the clouds is very relaxing.  These moments of quiet reflection give me the time to find the many blessings I do have in my life right here and now.
     Taking time to ground yourself in the beauty of nature allows for peaceful and grateful ideas to come to the surface of your mind.
     What are you thankful for?  I ask myself this question in the morning and before I go to bed every day - sometimes during the day if it is especially stressful.  Allowing yourself to feel thankful is the first step to true happiness.
     A big part of finding joy from within me is to be the best I can be at work and at home.  Finding out what it is I do well and pursuing that endeavor brings me a sense of accomplishment and success that I feel from within myself.
     At work I understand reprocessing and how computers aid in patient safety.
     At home I've found achievement by attending book signings where people come together to get a glimpse of their favorite authors and a signature on their latest books.
     Beyond that brief meet and greet and signature there's the satisfaction of finding like minded people.  As we meet in line we share favorite books and authors.  In some cases we share lunch or visiting historical sites in the area or go shopping.  Its like finding a safe place to play with friends like a really well adjusted school yard during exercise time.  I've found Facebook friends too.
     When the book signing event is by the author's home town or state you also get the unique experience of seeing some of the area that inspired the author to create the stories you loved to read.  I found the landscape and historic sites I traveled to influenced me to keep on returning along with the beautiful people I met along the way.
     In between my book signing trips I have been exploring the world of social media for supporting authors, books, TV and Movies with book reviews and tweets (140 character blog posts).  I also use my blog here to share my personal journey as I embark on my years after the 50 years old mile marker.
     One of my most rewarding TV show assisting with tweets has been with Hallmark Channel and helping to spread the word that this channel gives options of entertainment the whole family is able to watch together and tweeting is positive with these fans too.
     When I tweet I like to find what is good and true about the story that made it to creating a TV Show or movie.  I enjoy giving the actors and actresses and crew credit when they all work together to bring a screen play to life.
     I've worked behind the scenes on plays and seen all the work that goes into hitting the right mark - not just in relation to the right place to stand in the scene but to get the right emotion and lines the same way for every take.  It takes many rehearsals to get the final scene just that way it needs to be so that every time the audience sees that performance its always true to the script.
     Not all of us are called to be actors, writers or producers.  Some of us are the fans and supporters of what is true and lovely about the stories that move us to tweet or post that which makes us happy or sad and why.
     I believe we all make difference no matter what job we hold.  All of us impact one another with a smile or a gesture.  I choose to make my impact on others positive and full of hope.  If you work hard and believe in yourself moving mountains is not so difficult.
     I find strength in times of calm when I'm able to see the light within me that is my mission in life to expose to others.  If we all uncover our illumination there will be no darkness at all.
     Keep on believing in the possibilities.  As long as I do, I uncover beauty all around me every day.


Melissa Blanchard.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

March 22, 2015 - A Journey of Discovery

Geranium patiently waiting for the healing sun of Spring and Summer.
     I'm discovering healing is a journey.  Slowly I'm learning to give up habits that are holding me back from reaching my full potential.  In all things I'm learning to seek the truth.  Finding inner calm is the key to unlocking what's real in any situation.
     How do I find calm?  First, I have to own how I feel.  Where is my mind taking me?  For example, do I see people working against me or for me?  Do I see all situations as related to me or do I see that all are working to find answers for the questions within their own life?
     Teamwork is all about having common goals everyone want to see come to fruition.  If all parties have buy in that the outcome is worthwhile then people are able to put self aside and work toward the common good.
     For me, as I begin to see the common goal, I've been able to see the potential in others and within myself.  My actions are going toward positive outcomes aligning to put me in a position where I may both meet my needs and the needs of the organization where I work.  I'm to discovering educational opportunities that tie into my personal and professional aspirations.  I'm beginning to truly listen to myself and others.
     I am finding answers I need all around me, in quick conversations in the hallway or break room, posts on Twitter and Facebook.  All leading to success from within just by being open to the possibilities of good outcomes.
     My hope, in chronicling my journey through life, is that others will find answers they are seeking too.  My greatest gift to me is to follow my dreams.  Know that to seek is to find.  In all things, always keep seeking the answers to why am I here, what's my purpose?  What's uniquely me and pursue that end goal for a lifetime.


Melissa Blanchard - Missy.
Always seek the light of understanding.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Focus on the Positive March 8, 2015

The hope of Spring as told by my Geranium.

A few weeks ago I noticed that there were more leaves coming in on my Geranium and they were getting darker green and then just last weekend I saw one bud blooming.  Now, even though we had snow and cold, there are 4 blossoms and 2 new sprouts where buds may form all from the increased sunlight.

I find this process magical and instills in me that with Spring comes new beginnings, not just in the world around me but from within me.  As I continue to keep up with my daily gratitude journal I feel as though I'm able to really understand the world around me much better.

For the first time in many years, maybe all the way back to 4 or 5 years old, I see the world as a safe place to grow.  I'm seeing how I may be of help in situations at home and at work.  Finding the good within myself I'm now much more able to discover the good in others.

I know there are still questions I don't have answers for and maybe never will but I am still able to find the truth in others and situations.

The first break through for me came when I identified what is my purpose for being.  Professionally, I seek to make computers effective tools to improve health care for the patient. Personally, I look for ways to uplift those doing actions that help lighten the burdens of others.

In my personal life I strive to find ways to help.  Sometimes its with a positive tweet or post or blog for topics as varied as politics, books, TV based on books and TV designed to help people find answers to difficult dramas in everyday life.

Somehow each of us must strive to find a way to discover their purpose - what makes you unique?  Maybe you can build cabinets and chairs out of wood.  Or you might be able to see something beautiful in a sunset and take a picture.  Perhaps you are able to advocate for others that have no way to get their message out.

Whatever it is that makes you unique - that's your calling.  That's the thing that you do no matter how discouraged you may be, you keep striving to succeed.  The main thing to remember, the road isn't easy.  The path to understanding brings about hard times.  It takes work and dedication to put together just one scene on a TV show.  Life is something like that, only we don't get a script to follow and we don't know the next scene but we have to do all we can to find the truth in every situation.

Reaching out in an honest way will help you find your way.  Find someone you admire and make them your mentor.  Whatever you commit to you must first believe in your heart that what you're pursuing is what fulfills you.  Ask yourself what do you need to succeed, what do you need to grow and flourish and set out finding ways to achieve this goal.  When you truly find what motivates you, you will find the job, the training, the tools, and the strength to make your mark in life.  While you're striving to meet your goal to finding your purpose stay positive.  Sincerely be thankful everyday, this is like the water, soil and fertilizer for my Geranium (Sunlight is the purpose).  You have to find the goodness in what's around you now in order to fully appreciate who you are deep down inside.

Just like my Geranium, keep seeking the light, sometimes you may not find it right away, but some day it will come - so be prepared to make the most of the sunshine while you're able.

Remember everyone needs the sun and to me a smile brings light to my world.  The best way to get a smile is to give one. Take time to be thankful and live in the moment every minute so you're able to make the most of the sunlight that comes your way.



Sunday, March 1, 2015

Communications - The Art of Conversation

March Light 2015

What does it take to be an effective communicator?  I've been seeking the answer to this question since early in the 1980's some 35 years and counting.

I believe good communications begins with me.  If I can't understand where I'm coming from or what I want or need; how will I ever be able to express these concepts to others?

First, I need to appreciate my value and worth.  Only after finding this am I able to see what it is I seek from others.  

Conversation is about sharing thoughts and ideas with oneself and others.  We all must be aware of self and others to make this work.  For that moment in time we must stop and listen in order to be understood.  I feel listening to oneself is key to being able to really listen to others.

Once I became self aware of my needs and wants I found I valued what others had to say much more.  I found the capacity to hear and reflectively listen to what was being said to me. 

It is truly amazing to hear the joy in the voice of another when they feel heard.  Such a simple thing to restate what they said but when you do it well there's a feeling of accomplishment beyond what you could have achieved alone.  

Great conversations builds on what each participant has to say.  To do this you have to first take the time to truly understand not only yourself but also the others engaging with you.  

When I smile and truly feel like smiling, many people want to say, "Hi."  Sometimes they will even stop to exchange a few words.  The more positive I am the longer the conversation.  

How do I smile when there's so much to do, so many issues to resolve?  I remember why I'm doing what I do.  I remember that for me my purpose is to create computer systems that support successful patient care outcomes.  I work within teams of technology and clinical experts to find solutions.  Many times those answers are complex but when I take the time to understand all parties involved and restate what I think I heard I find clarity and appreciation.  

No matter what we all have to appreciate one another for there to be true communication and understanding.  If I only think of what I need and want I'll never truly hear what others are asking.  There has to be a balance and a give and take that can only come from a place of true belief in self and others.